Tuesday, October 29

Loss for Words

Tonight I am unable to fall asleep early, hence, this post.

I’m not good enough for anyone, ever.

Just got into a little argument with my younger sister.
She had slept over at the other room.

I don’t know, I’ve always felt like I’m taken for granted.
I tried to fulfil my family’s wishes but in the end, we will surely get into an argument.
And we always get into argument because of any random minor mistake.

It could be... me keeping quiet, or we didn’t throw the rubbish out or there’s no food at home.
I’m just in a loss for words.

I mean, why do we argue about this? 
What do we even gain from it? Lol.

Idk. Right now, I just feel like getting a house of my own.
I will rule it and there’s no one stopping me.

I just wish my family to be happy like how we were in the early 2000s.

Oh and recently my former colleague’s daughter just got hitched!

All the best prayers and wishes to you and family til Jannah!
Barakallah! Marha2!

Love the food and venue.
The food was great and delicious.
The venue was very cooling.


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